Friday, October 23, 2009

Week Review

"Life is the shit that happens when we're waiting for those moments that never come" 

- Lester Freamon, The Wire

This week we saw the homecoming of Sharon Commins from her toil and ordeal at the hands of terrorists in which herself and her Ugandan colleague, Hilda Kawuki, were subjected to mental torture and anguish in horrible conditions for 107 days so my admiration and congratulations go out to those two ladies for their courage and determination to survive in the face of adversity and for their charitable work. Welcome home!

However the other main news story inter alia NAMA and the like was the controversial and contentious introduction of the reduction in the alcohol limit when driving. The plan was to reduce the limit to a point where it was not possible to even have a pint and drive. Nothing wrong there. It's been proven in other countries who have introduced the same alcohol limit that road deaths have been reduced. All good so far. Road accidents reduced, lives saved. Where could there be a downfall in this you may ask?

You could hazard a guess at the general public or alcoholics!? However you would imagine there wouldn't be much opposition to such a sensible and obvious law being introduced. Think again. Opposition was voiced but not from the usual lobbying parties and the associated groups. No, opposition was expressed in our very own Government, by the people who are entrusted with the welfare of this country, the country we love and cherish. By the people who we chose to represent our values and beliefs and manifest them in Government.
Twenty two Fianna Fail backbenchers had the gall to suggest that this law was a further stepping stone in the direction of a nanny state and cited rural isolation as the main issue. Twenty two of these fucking numpties thought it would be clever to protest against saving lives effectively. I am still finding it hard to believe thay had the balls to protest and whats more Noel Dempsey did not have the conviction to follow through and ignore these gobshites. Despicable.

Perhaps these "politicians" should be put in a room and the key thrown away with the families of people tragically taken from them in drink driving accidents and justify their ludicrous opposition to this law.

On a seperate note the troubador Josh Ritter had ny attention this evening for about forty five minutes until I decided it wasn't worth twenty five euro to stand behind a big pillar and watch that. Pillars dont sing to you, it took me forty five minutes to realise that, Whelans as a venue has a lot to answer for!

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