Why does the country come to a standstill when it rains?
Cars piled up on motorways in a uniform line all like lambs being led to the slaughter, going somewhere but nowhere at the same time. People who maintain a nice speed whilst driving suddenly slow down to a snails pace like they had nowhere to be in a hurry. Get out of my fucking way. I have to be somewhere and your stopping me from getting there on time. Or people who dont use their indicators infuriate me. Where are you going, left? right? fair enough just swing in there in front of me with no due notice. Very annoying but beside the point, back to the rain.
Your sitting there with no place to go but dying to get to your destination with nobody to entertain you but your friend, the radio. Then that gobshite Gerry Ryan comes on if you listen long enough. Christ, you should be rewarded for listening to a radio station not punished. Take a fucking paycut you wanker! I'd gladly do your job for forty thousand a year you selfish prick. My integrity and my lifestyle are being violated he whined. Get over it, your on over half a million a year even after your "paycut". What about those out there struggling on minimum wage raising two kids and have to work two jobs to make ends meet, educate their children and put food on the table. You sittin in RTE with your cushy job, being all smug, thinking the masses are at your mercy and hang on your every word. Tune out people, tune out. Show your disgust at this man by reducing his listenership to the bare minimum, TUNE OUT!
One other thing that got to me in the last two weeks was the tragic death of Stepehen Gately. God rest his soul. RIP and all that but the media circus and outpouring of grief that surrounded the event in question was a bit out of hand. He was an icon and he did his duty for raising awareness to the plight of the gay community and how they may suffer at the hands of the ignorant minorities, but I ask you, where was the outpouring of grief for the two young men killed in a training exercise for the Air Corps? They died serving their country. Two young men tragically taken from their mother, their father, their brothers and sisters, their wives, girlfriends, perhaps kids. Where was the media? Focused entirely on Stephen Gately. Priorities people. Anyways enough of my ranting.
Until next time people, au revoir!
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