Friday, January 29, 2010


Seeing as it's not the end of January I am still allowed to say Happy New Year and I hope it's a prosperous one for all.

It's been a topsy turvy month with a few swings and round about's thrown in but it's coming to an end now and everything that is most important in my life is still there and intact and looking good. The new year started with a trip to the border town/metropolis that is Dundalk to ring in the New Year with my better half,Libby. Drunken thrills and spills were had and a good night resulted in a bad hangover the next day as is customary. The big freeze ensued upon the country then, which turned out to be a mini farce of sorts. The good citizens of this country embarked on a course of chaos,including myself believing there was every possibility I may not be able to make a long distance journey ever again because we were entering a new ice age and we had no salt!!! Noel Dempsey,our Minister for Transport,would be okay however because he was in sunnier climates. This was foresight at its best on his part as he would be able function better and sort out the chaos from another country as he was abroad and therefore more mobile,rather than being stuck in an ice palace in his house in Ice Age Ireland as it was now known!!!Schools closed,businesses ceased operations,roads became ice rinks,lakes disappeared,we were entering an new dawn in Ireland where you could go nowehere and do nothing. Everything was changing except for one minor detail,our existing Government were still existing.I am beginning to think that perhaps God was giving us a chance to start afresh and we did not embrace this chance. Then the thaw came. As quick as that. Back to normality.

We also learned of Brian Lenihans battle with pancreatic cancer which created its own furore. All I will say is he should be left alone to fight his own battles and I wish him all the best and hope he defeats this disease but also the public are entitled to know that such a political figurehead is in ill health and may not be able to perform to full capacity. As for the man himself perhaps he should step down and fight this in private and let somebody else take up the mantle on such a high pressured job. All the best though.

Recently through my studies and coincidental programming I have become acutely aware of the situation in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. It seems that the problem that faces these proud tribes is so deep and complicated at this stage it would be very hard to ever see a solution or compromise. There are different factions,ideas,ideals,minds have been polluted to the extent that these peoples goals now seem distorted.They both believe they have divine rights to the lands they are fighting over.The dying and violence and human suffering is insurmountable and both sides are suffering. However in two recent programs it became apparent to me that it is the Palestinians that seem to be suffering the most. Jon Snows "Unseen Gaza" and Ross Kemps documentary highlighted several problems facing the Palestinians in every aspect of their life. It is rare to have cameras and available footage from Gaza and its surrounding areas which Jon Snow sought to highlight in his program. The lack of knowledge about these areas is astounding and it is mainly due to Israeli authorities preventing entry to the territories. 

There are blockades in place that have ruined any sort of an economy that was in place and unemployment is high. This has led to illegal smuggling rearing its ugly head. There are tunnels in place with the borders of Egypt and other surrounding places to smuggle in vital supplies that the Israelis are preventing. These tunnels are death traps and deaths are regular. Surely this is inhumane. The funny thing is the Palestinian government are regulating this as it is a very important facet of their economy. However as a result there are exorbitant prices on these products and its a vicious merry go round that only adds to these peoples problems. Meanwhile on the other side of the wall,life seems to be as normal as it is in Ireland.

Where you see billboards in Ireland advertising perfumes, energy drinks, celebrities Palestine instead you see "martyrs", heroes adorned across the walls looking down on the rubble filled streets. You see men who for some reason or another believed that to become a suicide bomber they would somehow make a difference.The children in Palestine now gaze up at these effigies while they are playing cops and robbers or something worse with their replica machine guns and idolise these people. This is only going to lead to a whole new generation of suicide bombers and a continuation of death, human suffering, hell on earth. 

There is a poignant scene in Ross Kemps documentary in an orphanage. Children,who have lost family due to Israeli shells or attacks have been orphaned. Ross Kemp quizzes these children on their feelings about the conflict and their hatred is apparent,unfettered and concentrated. People this age should not have a care in the world and even know what hatred is. They are describing horrific ordeals as a result of this terrible war, when a small girl,silent for the duration of the scene,interjects and begins to describe the suffering she has endured. She could not be more than 7 years of age. She describes witnessing her family being slaughtered by Israeli "soldiers",her mother being raped and seeing her fathers brains spilling out of his head. Shocking imagery,described by a girl who has not even seen a decade pass in her life. This is not normal. She then describes it all in one phrase, she feels like she is stuck in a cage and there's no way out. She hates that country and its servants that took her family from her,such hatred so young,tragic. This madness will only breed madness. 

The programme finished with a young man preparing himself to be a suicide bomber,just like hundreds before him. This man believes he will make a difference by taking his own life and the lives of countless innocents. The difference is this man is a student of the law,he could make a difference in his way of life,by fighting in the courts or in politics but he is blinded by the madness of a war, ready to take precious life when he could save so many.

My heart goes out to the people of Haiti,may they find light at the end of the tunnel.

January out!

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